Sunday, June 7, 2009

Short Bitch Fest

It is 10:30pm, I just got off an 11 hour shift. I'm tired and I'm sweaty and I don't really feel like writing but I am because I'm also annoyed.

Last time we stayed with New Grandma, New Aunt had already moved in with her. (This is not the aunt previously mentioned in other blogs. I still love that woman.) Anyways, New Grandma found the most non- confrontational way to make my time there miserable. She moved the furniture around when New Aunt moved in with her (all names will be inserted when I think of fake ones I can stick with) so that both guest beds were in one room and New Aunt's bed is in the other. She put New Aunt in the room with two beds so that in order to be in the same room as my husband, I have to sleep on the floor!

New Aunt can be classified as the crazy cat lady. I've always joked that I would end up the crazy cat lady. I love cats and I hate men, I want a new kitten every six months like my biological clock doesn't recognize my species. I'm the perfect candidate, but this woman takes the cake.

My cat, Anastasia (real name here) got into a scuffle with her cat, fluffy pussy (not real name). When I say scuffle, I mean scuffle. Not a fight, not a knock down, drag out brawl, just a scuffle. It is very common for cats that are new to each other. This woman is no longer speaking to me because my cat was mean to her cat. Of course, I can't say I'm surprised. We are, after all, talking about a woman that keeps cats in her freezer when they die. Not beloved pets that are being preserved until their final resting place is determined. I'm talking about cats no one else has ever seen before, 'preserving' them for months at a time.

My mother in law read the blog about her mother. She told me she understood the nature of the blog and that in order to make it interesting, I needed to talk some shit. After all, her mother is crazy anyway. Come to find out, she's just started talking shit behind my back now. I just changed the URL of my blog so that she can't read it.

Crazy cat lady is here now with her sister, the aunt I love, where we are staying. They are watching the tony awards and she is glaring at my cats. Bitch.

I'm going to go take a damn shower.

Oh! And Bobby fell down, and sprained his ankle, slammed his hand in the hood of his new crappy car and went to the hospital while I was at work. None of this is going to postpone his surgery, but you would think that now is the time to be paranoid about hurting himself. When I say his new crappy car, I'm talking about the Catalina he traded his Honda for. It is a classic, but it is a hunk of junk. Just like a little child he is with his cars.

I love my husband, I love my husband, I love my husband.

I just keep repeating it to myself.

I love my husband enough to put up with his family.

You know, if I wrote a bunch of crap about my mom she'd just laugh and say, "If I were normal, I'd be boring."

Stay tuned for next post when I talk shit about my mom.

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