Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Day I Met The Infamous Bobby

I met Bobby, my now husband, through some mutual friends.

Cheryl is one of my best friends and also has known Bobby for some time. She had a crush on him but then got bored of chasing him and moved on, never forgetting the unrequited love she had for him. This eventually turned into a more sibling oriented love, becoming somewhat creepy when analyzed to deeply.

Kindra is another one of my best friends. She met Bobby through Cheryl. Kindra is one of these girls who is out to enjoy life at any cost. She plays hard and works not at all. She flirts with anything that moves, male or female, human or not. This is just her way, she makes each individual she meets feel special, even if only for the few moments at climax. (Most people achieve climax within one week of meeting her.)

We were all at school one day. I needed an oil change. Kindra was flirting with Bobby (poor guy didn't know he wasn't the only one.) Cheryl had a break between classes. Bobby needed a smog check. We all went to the mechanic's together.

Now, let me just tell you that I am a loud and colorful woman, before I go any further. It is very difficult to overshadow me. That being said:

While waiting for our cars, the four of us decided to go for a walk. I attempted to get to know Bobby a bit. At this point, seeing his interest in Kindra, I had no interest in him. I don't like guys that like girls that like guys too much. This, however, was not to be done on that day. Kindra had other plans.

Kindra in her ever charming way, began yelling at cars and mooning them as we walked. She was wearing a rather skimpy dress, so this was not difficult to do. I must say, if I had a tiny little butt like hers with perky little boobs, I might show them off, too.

She hitchhiked and then ran away when cars pulled over, she flashed her panties and just a bit of crack, she ran into the street and had to be pulled back. She monopolized our attention in the captivating manner that only she can possess. We laughed so hard we thought we were going to pee.

Class was going to start before Bobby's car was ready, so I drove him back to school and Kindra stayed to take his car back.

Halfway through class, Bobby got a call and left. He and Kindra went on their first date that night. They had sushi and smoked a doobie. They told us they were gone so long from class because his car had issues.

One week later, Kindra was bored and Bobby was still calling her. He asked me what the deal was, seeing as I was her best friend. I told him I wasn't going to play junior high middle man and he needed to grow a pair and talk to her himself.

That night, I invited him over to watch a 'Sex in the City' marathon. Kindra was spending the night. I wanted to force her to talk to him, poor guy was so confused. Instead, we completely ignored her and talked the night away. I made him put the seat down on the toilet when he left it up, he promised to find me a kitten to keep me company, he told me about his health and his hopes and dreams and disappointments. I told him about my exes, which will be another two or three books by themselves.

This is the night that I asked Kindra if it was OK to hit on him.

14 months later, we got married.

AWWWW; smarmy sentiments

Kindra was my bridesmaid.

I told this story at the alter.

Picture her face.

Until another blog, America, laugh well.

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